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Welcome to SoulCatalyst.org

We thought it was about time we had a website. 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Dear Soul Catalyst,

    I hope this email finds you well. My name is Mohamed Bugahhoos, a PhD researcher at the University of Kent and I am currently conducting a study about virtual production, with a particular focus on production companies in the UK.

    We greatly value the input of production companies like yours, which is why we are reaching out to invite you to participate in our short questionnaire. The survey contains multiple-choice questions and should take 7 minutes to complete.

    Your valuable insights will significantly contribute to advancing our understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by production companies when it comes to virtual production. You will also be helping to open new avenues for growth and innovation within the industry.

    Your input is entirely confidential, and your responses will be anonymised to ensure complete privacy.

    To participate, simply click on the following link:

    If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at mb2168@kent.ac.uk

    Thank you for considering our invitation. Your contribution is highly appreciated.

    Best regards,

    Mohamed Bugahhoos
    PhD Researcher
    University of Kent

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